尊敬的白洁主席、杜佐祥厅长、王道平常委,各位领导, 各位民间文艺家、朋友们、同志们:
第二句话,深感荣幸。当前,正值全省打造文化强省之际,全省下上,各地民间文艺百家齐放,亮点纷呈。省民协把年会和交流会安排在我镇召开,把全省的文艺精英邀请到**,为我们传经送宝,指导工作,这充分说明了省、市宣传文化部门对我镇民间文化建设的支持和厚爱,是对**经济和 1
x与x县情相近,延绵千里的淮河将两县紧紧相连。x小岗村作为中国农业“大包干”生产责任制的发源地,被誉为中国农村改革第一村;x上塘镇也因在全省率先实行农业“大包干”的伟大创举,被《人民日报》以《春到上塘》为题进行了详细报道,在全国引起轰动,这充分显示了两地人民敢为天下先的创新精神,并成为两地不甘落后、改革奋进的强大动力。 好范文版权所有近年来,x大力弘扬“团结奋进、敢试敢闯、务实苦干、自立自强”的新时期宿迁精神,牢固确立“思想观念大解放、改革开放大突破、县域发展大跨越、执政能力大提高”的总体要求和“市内学沭阳、市外赶高邮、苦干三五年、总量翻一番”,确保实现“三个快于”的发展目标,振奋精神,争先进位,全县经济社会保持了良好的发展势头。x大力弘扬“大包干”精神,坚持“强化工业、调整农业,开发旅游业,带动发展第三产业”的总体发展思路,紧紧围绕建立以玻璃行业为支柱的工业强县、以明文化为核心的旅游大县、以林产业为重点的生态农业县的发展目标,大力实施“工业立县、开放带动和科技兴县”三大战略,积极推进“招商引资、园区建设和龙头企业”三大工程,各项事业迅速发展。处在这样一个发展的时代、追赶的时代,x与x需要不断加强交流,共同进步。x县党政代表团这次来洪考察指导,是对我们的一次鞭策、鼓励和促进,体现了x人民对x人民的深情厚意,必将加深相互了解,增进彼此友谊,拓宽两地交流,也更加坚定了我们加快发展的信心和决心。
尊敬的加拿大伦敦市语言桥教育中心的ms. mary wang,亲爱的同学们,朋友们,大家上午好!
honored ms. mary wang, coming from london language bridge education centre, dear students, friends, good morning!
“有朋自远方来不亦说乎!” 我们一直期待着,与远道而来的加拿大朋友相聚在一起。
“how happy we are to meet friends from afar!” we have always been expecting to get together with our canadian friends from afar.
since today we have signed the agreement on establishing friendly relationship, i hope our school and the london language bridge education centre can actively carry out more exchanges and cooperation in language learning, cultural exchanges, reciprocal visits, as well as course cooperation and other aspects. let us share complementary advantages and achieve progress and development together.
jinan no.5 middle school was established in 1893, now she’s already got 118 years of history. the rich history and flourish cultural deposits have shaped up the unique charm of our school. she has not only possessed the long history but also has been filled with the spirit of era innovation.
学校践行“为学生的终生学习和主动发展 提供优质服务”的办学理念,积极倡导师生互动学习,快乐体验,愉快的课堂和丰富的活动,让校园充满生机和活力。
the education philosophy which our school has been persisted in is that “to provide quality service for students’ lifelong learning and active development”. in order to achieve this aim, we energetically advocate interactive learning among teachers and students. let them get the joyful experience both from learning and teaching. let the pleasant classroom life and abundant activities fill our school with vigor and vitality.
in our school, students are the real master. the student union has organized their own activities in their spare time, such as science festival, art festival, sports festival, etc. these
activities have all made the students’ after-school lives colorful; they have strengthened abilities and experienced the happiness of success.
we have inherited the school motto which has already lasted for hundred of years that is “be diligent, modest, honest and doughty”. by keeping our responsibilities in mind at all times and the straggling of several generations, our school has obtained a operating mechanism with strict rules and human-based management. we have well trained our teachers and let them have forward-looking concepts, high teaching abilities, and gracious ethics of the teaching profession and be full of originality.
successively, our school has also gained many titles of honor, such as the nationwide demonstration base of promoting research work among middle schools and primary
schools, model establishment in shandong province, standardized school in shandong province, model school of standardized language in shandong province, etc.
“a good beginning is half done”, dear friends from afar, dear students, in order to create a better future, today we get here and begin our cooperation. i sincerely hope the collaboration between london language bridge education centre and our no.5 middle school can make a great success with everlasting friendship!thank you!
dear ms. president, ms. vice president, ms.dean and ourdistinguished guests from goethe institute
嗨---hallo,早上---guten morgen,午后---guten tag,晚上---guten morgen
my name is zang yuantian and i am from class two senior two.
first of all ,i am greatly honored to have the opportunity to expressour deepest welcome for your visit on behalf of my teachers and my fellow students.
secondly, as the students in urumiqi foreign language school, we are looking forwad todeveloping the culture exchange with famous foreign universities
which is and institute like goethe-institut,
well-known. internationally
, we pay high attention to this the potential opportunities both for you and for my school.
besides, we believe that this is a precious chance for us to better understand the culturaldifferences between germany and china. we hope thatthrough our common efforts , we can build profound friendship with each other and become life-long friends. and i personally hope that one day in the future many students in my school can study german
language and culture in germany to be able to learn the great german people and their great country as well.hopefully, this dream of mine should come true with the help of our friends from goethe-institut.
if you want to make great friends in xinjiang china, please come to my school, because we are ready for that.if you wish to meet the most industrious students, please come to my school , as they are ready for it. if you want to discover the most outstanding and remarkable young people in this city,please come to my school, we are looking forward to your arrival. i believe what you are doing today will surely become great benefit both for you and for my school soon.
i do hope that you will enjoy your stay in urumqi, xinjiang .
finally, i hope everyone of youcan enjoy yourself in my school and we heartedly wish this culture exchange to be a great success.
thank you and vielen dank!非常感谢维也冷 党k
? guten morgen
古藤 猫根
guten(好) morgen (早晨)
guten tag! (白天见面时的问候)你好!(词尾的g发[k])
1 hallo! 你好
2 guten morgen! 早上好
3 guten tag! 你好
4 guten abend! 晚上好
5 gute nacht! 晚安
6 auf wiedersehen / wiedersehen 再见
7 tschüss! 再见 (口语)
8 bis sp?ter! 一会儿见
9 bis morgen! 明天见
10 bitte / danke 请 、谢谢
11 nichts zu danken! 不客气!
12 wie geht es dir? / ihnen? 你好吗?您好吗?13 mir geht es gut. 我很好
14 alles gute! 一切顺利
15 viel erfolg! 祝您(你)成功
16 glückwunsch 恭喜
17 gute reise! 一路顺风
18 grü?e aus china 来自中国的问候
19 alles gute zum geburtstag! 生日快乐
20 frohe weihnachten! 圣诞快乐
danke!谢谢/danke/党课 vielen dank!非常感谢维也冷 党kthousend dank.万分感谢,直译是一千次感谢dank
the sorrows of young werther少年维特的烦恼著作)